Teeth Whitening Side Effects What to Expect Post Treatment!
Just so long as our desire to look beautiful doesn't end up damaging us in the long run, I think we're going to be fine. As with any cosmetic treatment, whether it be hair or weight related, teeth whitening has its risks, dangers and side effects. The treatment is pretty safe generally speaking, but there are still things that can go wrong with it if used incorrectly
Various whitening treatments will use various techniques to accomplish the whitening of teeth. But in this article, when I'm talking about teeth whitening side effects, I'm assuming the use of a tray based system that has a 10% carbamide solution. The majority of teeth whitening enamel damage is created at home, where people are trying to put a whitening kit to good use but they end up using it the wrong way. Professional whitening dentists don't cause a lot of damage, generally. They're highly trained and they know what they're doing.
Getting Prepared For Teeth
Whitening Treatment
What Are The Side Effects Of Teeth Whitening?
The side effects that are most often reported are sensitivity of the teeth and irritation of the gums. You can also get a sore throat, headaches and a tingling of the tissues inside your mouth. These last three occur less frequently that the first two. While you are undergoing a bleaching process and it's starting to get painful, it is important that you stop the treatment immediately. It doesn't matter whether you are at a clinic having it done by a dentist, or at home doing it yourself.
Most people will feel only minor discomfort during a treatment. A small minority may have an allergic reaction to a certain compound used in the bleaching solution. But for most people, the side effects that are experienced are so minor that they don't have to interfere with the whitening treatment. Usually, they will subside in the days following the treatment.
When using a tray system to perform the whitening yourself, you can alleviate your teeth whitening side effects by using the trays less frequently. For instance, you might keep them in for a shorter time. Or you might use them on alternating days. In some cases, it's best to stop using your teeth whitening tray altogether until the side effects have completely disappeared. Then you can try resuming and sticking to a reduced schedule this time.

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